HTML Disclaimer Message
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1.A better, designed HTML disclaimer message enables increased user awareness. In this section, an example will be provided utilizing the E-mail Security add-in.
2. In this example, the different messages are prepended to all e-mails sent from external users. When the e-mail message contains a link, the message is highlighted in red. When the e-mail does not have a link, orange is used. From the disclaimer added to the e-mail, the end-user can activate the add-in.
3. The first rule is to add the disclaimer message in red color when the e-mail body or header contains a link. The below parameters are used to enable this:
Rule Condition: The sender is located outside the organization, and the subject or body includes 'http' or 'https'.
Do The Following: Prepend the Disclaimer. The example content is provided below.
An example screenshot is also provided for reference.
4. The second rule is used to add the disclaimer message in orange color when the e-mail body or header does not contain a link. The below parameters are used to enable this:
Rule Condition: The sender is located outside the organization except if subject or body includes 'http' or 'https'.
Do The Following: Prepend the Disclaimer. The example content is provided below.
An example screenshot is also provided for reference.